Data Protection Policy

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Data Protection Policy

When you request information from Cignet Engineering Management, sign up to any of our services or buy our products, we may temporarily have to retain certain information about you in order to meet your requests.  This policy explains how we look after that information and what we do with it.

We have a legal duty under the Data Protection Act to prevent your information from falling into the wrongs hands.  We must also ensure that the data we hold is accurate, adequate, relevant and not excessive.

Normally the information we hold will come directly from you. Whenever we collect information, we will make it clear what information is required in order to provide you with the services or product you need.  You do not need to provide us with any additional information that is not relevant to  delivering your needs.

We store your information securely on our computer system. We classify the information and apply higher levels of security based on the type of information provided. We then apply our data storage, access, transfer and deconstruction protocols for the information provided.

No employee will have access to your information except where it is essential to deliver the requested support. Access is granted on a ‘need to know’ basis.  We train our staff in handling secure information.


Cignet Engineering Management Team

May 2017

Doc: 104/rev2

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