Environment Policy

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Environmental policy

As a company, and in our individual capacities, we care about and respect the environment. We are committed  to finding new and better ways to preserve, safeguard and ensure the sustainability of the environment in which we operate. Cignet Engineering Management  is committed to  minimising the impact of its global activities on the environment.

Our strategy to achieve this includes:

  • Minimising waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Minimising our energy consumption, and that of our clients, by designing processes that are energy efficient.
  • Actively promoting recycling, both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers.
  • Sourcing and promoting products/services that minimise environmental impact during production, distribution and use.
  • Meeting or exceeding all environmental legislation relating to our company.
  • Ensuring staff are adequately trained in how their activities, both ‘large’ (such as designing a new business system or engineering process) and ‘small’ (such as recycling paper or switching off the lights after use) can impact the environment.

Our motto is clear and effective:  ‘Know Your Impact.’  It reminds us that before undertaking a task, we must ensure we have considered our impact on the environment and sough to act in the most sustainable way.


Cignet Engineering Management Team

May 2017

Doc: 103/rev2

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