Approved Supplier Registration System

Approved Supplier Registration System

Having and maintaining a comprehensive record of reliable, property vetted suppliers can be invaluable.

  • It gives managers confidence in their own ability to deliver
  • It ensures effective communications between client and supplier
  • It can be used to encourage effective communications between supply chain partners
  • It encourages improved co-ordination and a greater focus on quality

However, creating a database of approved suppliers requires time, effort and a robust process. It requires an insight into factors such as:

  • Your own objectives
  • Your product and service delivery, and the part suppliers play in it
  • Suppliers’ financial status
  • Their policies
  • Their health and safety record
  • Their capacity and quality controls
  • Their compliance with regulations and standards

Our experienced professionals excel in the design and implementation of approved vendor programmes and can help introduce them into large and medium sized organisations.

See also: Supplier Quality Management and Procurement Management Systems.

  • Reduce overall risks to your organisation by implementing a rigorous process for vendor risk assessment
  • Evaluate suppliers based on performance and risk
  • Reduce pre-qualification duplication of approval work and associated costs
  • Screen and select suppliers based on a ‘common systems’ approach, focused on safety, quality, technical competency, financials and commercial management
  • Establish internal risk criteria for each supplier based on your organisational values
  • Establish criteria for approval, retention and removal from your list

Find out more about our approved supplier registration system